The Center for Business Law and Management (CEDAG), Université de Paris, brings together researchers from the Faculty of Law who are particularly engaged in understanding finance and business, wealth and financial engineering, international business relations, digital business, and the management, from the point of vue of ethic and innovation. Through the creation of the transversal theme of Digital Business, it aims to understand and monitor current developments and future disruptions. The research carried out in law as well as in management by the centre intends, with scientific rigour, to mainstream the need for a global approach.

The Centre for Public Policy, Habitat and Human Development at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India has been striving continuously to engage with issues of globalization, geopolitics, spatial and urban dynamics, entrepreneurship, industrialization, trade, human development and critical perspectives on the role of State and democracy in overcoming poverty and inequality both nationally and globally. The pursuits involve collaborative research and teaching, membership in taskforce and active participation in national and international conferences.

The Center for Studies in Social Sciences on the African, American and Asian Worlds (CESSMA), Université de Paris, is a multidisciplinary laboratory with a three-fold supervision: the Université de Paris, the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations (Inalco), the Research Institute for Development (IRD). The laboratory’s mission is to analyze the historical and spatial configurations of the dynamics of development and globalization. Whether they come from the tradition of cultural areas or development studies, all members of the unit share the same social science practice marked by interdisciplinarity, comparativism and dialogue with scientific partners of the worlds that they study. The survey sites are in Central and South America, Africa and the Arab world, South Asia, South-East Asia and East Asia.

The Center of Excellence on Biomass Valorisation at the Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Product (INTROP), University Putra Malaysia, is associated with CIRAD Montpellier and conducts research on different issues as: Financialisation of bioresources and capital structures, Biomass monetisation, Haze mitigation and carbon offsets, Biomass to liquid biofuel economics, Forestry and perennial plantation economics. It has acquired over a decade of existence a strong experience in the analysis of the industrial economy in South-East Asia and in the modelling of productive networks.

Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences, is a national institution, which supports the economic development and the realization of economic reforms in Bulgaria through scientific studies, evaluations and suggestions for economic policy and education of highly qualified specialists and researchers.

[The Center for Spaces, Societies, Environment, Regional Planning, Development (ESEAD - Espaces, Sociétés, Environnement, Aménagement, Développement)], Faculté des Langues et Sciences Humaines (FLASH), Université Ibn Zhor (UIZ) is a multidisciplinary research unit in Social Sciences conducting studies on economic and social development, as well as promoting regional development and addressing the social and economic inequalities in Moroccan vulnerable areas.

The Laboratory of Social dynamics and spatial reconstruction (LADYSS),Université de Paris, is a multidisciplinary Research Unit located in 4 university sites (Université de Paris, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Université Vincennes Saint Denis, Université Paris 10 Nanterre) and is associated with two Institutes of CNRS (National Centre of Scientific Research), the Institute of Human and Social Sciences (INSHS) and the Institute of Ecology and the Environment (INEE). The LADYSS cover numerous disciplines in Human and Social Sciences and focuses on Cross-analyses of social dynamics and shifting spatial patterns.


Global Research Institute of Paris

The Global Research Institute of Paris (GRIP) is an Interdisciplinary Initiative with Université de Paris IdEx funding that integrates the scientific scope of Global Studies while reflecting on North-South relations. GRIP follows on from the Plural Societies Interdisciplinary Programme (2014-2018) which has been expanded for the period 2019-2022 by various research units of the University of Paris and by the IRD (Institute of Research for Development), all of which are also linked to the Federation of Social Sciences in the South. Designed as a meta-network, GRIP is intended to address all the strategic partners of the University of Paris, including INALCO, FMSH and CNRS, in order to create a high-visibility scientific community around societal issues related to globalisation.

In its deployment over the period 2020-2022, GRIP intends to carry out integrated research, training and development activities through the synergy of three major areas that will help us to understand globalisation:

Axis 1: Global cities In order to renew the debate on the global dimension of the urban environment, the focus here is on the rise of urban diversity and cosmopolitanism, particularly in relation to the growing role of receiving migrants and people with various forms of mobility. It is also a question of taking into account the dissemination of global urban governance reference frameworks and the tensions surrounding them, through an analysis based on inclusion and exclusion, as well as urban resilience. Three sub-themes are therefore considered as priorities: socio-spatial practices and urban cultures in the context of the affirmation of urban cosmopolitanism; the political construction of recognition of urban rights, associated with reference systems circulating between North and South and between South and South; the impact of the emergence of new digital technologies on urban practices.

Axis 2: Circulation In this second field of reflection, the dynamics of globalization are questioned from the perspective of the circulation of people, practices, aesthetics as well as artefacts, knowledge and norms. To do so, we have chosen to observe what these different types of circulation have in common or specific, on the temporalities and institutional arrangements in which they are inscribed and on how they (re)configure themselves in the context of contemporary changes. The analysis is focused here on the complexity of the configurations generated by the confrontation between different and sometimes contradictory codes, standards and models; the interlocking of distinct affiliations, representations and universes at different scales as well as the various modes of articulation between territories, flows and networks, particularly in relation to the appropriation of new technologies by the actors.

Axis 3: Technologies, market logics and vulnerabilities Economic globalisation and the technological development of our societies are at the root of multiple forms of vulnerability. The third open space for reflection proposes to analyse the role of this techno-market dynamic in the weakening of modes of existence. Such an investigation is carried out on a global scale and with attention to both the richest and poorest countries. The construction of new markets, the internationalisation of value chains, and the transnational movement of people and goods require multi-scalar analyses and involve actors from all social and geographical backgrounds. The axis supports various surveys, in the North and South, on themes such as the environment and health, logistics and finance.


Labex DynamiTE

The Labex DynamiTe was launched in April 2012, the Cluster of Excellence Territorial and Spatial Dynamics, known in French as LabEx DynamiTe, focuses on the effects of globalization on space and societies, as well as issues related to sustainable development and global change.

In its second phase, launched on January the 1st 2020, The LabEx DynamiTe encompasses 19 research units, attached to 15 higher education and research institutions in the Île-de-France region, in connection with common research activities in the field of Territorial and Spatial Dynamics.

This territorial approach has elicited new interdisciplinary synergies around four societal challenges, giving rise to the following research fields:

  • scientific focus area 1: Legacy and mutation of the territories
  • scientific focus area 2: The impacts of environmental changes and risks on biodiversity and societies
  • scientific focus area 3: Mobilities, exchanges and migrations
  • scientific focus area 4: Methodological innovations and digital tools

Territory is a cross-cutting theme that now occupies a central role due to its relevance to public policy implementation and to recent scientific advances.Each of DynamiTe’s research fields examines the value of taking into account the territorial dimension in both reflection and action. Indeed, The LabEx is convinced that this territorial approach enables a better understanding of the place of each individual amid the transformations of the contemporary world.

DynamiTe seeks to help advance our knowledge capital and our potential for action by revisiting the concept of territory, from prehistory to the present day, with a view to a collective projection on a common future. Its members strive to harness the benefits of the respective contributions of their various disciplinary fields to these questions.

Our Work-Package in the scientific focus area Mobilities, exchanges and migrations “CIRCULATION OF MODELS AND HETEROGENEITY OF DEVELOPMENTS”


  • Philippe Cadene, CESSMA - Centre d’Etudes en Sciences Sociales sur les Mondes Africains, Américains et Asiatiques (UMR 245)
  • Elisabeth Peyroux, Prodig - Pôle de Recherche pour l’Organisation et la Diffusion de l’Information Géographique (UMR 8586)

Topic of Research: The relationship between economic systems and development is the subject of much debate. The liberal economic model is underpinned by freedom of enterprise, freedom of trade and the protection of property rights. Its present-day developments, particularly in the hotly-debated form of neoliberalism, give rise to a number of questions, particularly regarding the convergence and standardisation of development processes within the context of increasingly globalised economies. The question of moving beyond these models has also been raised in debates on “post-neoliberalism” or “post-development”. This Work-Package (WP) sets out to analyse the dissemination of these models, their forms and modifications, and the invention or re-creation of alternative models. The hypothesis here is that processes are at work to reformulate, challenge and move beyond them. They are either endogenous or caused by certain Norths moving towards certain Souths, or certain Souths moving towards other Souths or towards the North. Studying the heterogeneities of development and relating them to the different paradigms applied, based on the study of actual spaces and territories, will provide original food for thought. The WP will pool work by economists, geographers, legal experts, anthropologists and sociologists.

Keywords: Development, economic models, urban models, circulation of models, policy transfer, transnational value chains, city strategies, North/South exchanges.