Over the last two decades, the organization of companies and their integration into regional, national and global networks have undergone profound changes.

Various factors are responsible for these changes. Some of them are regional competition, development of global supply chain networks, new social movements, automation of the production and services, digitalization of information system, changes in international trade regulations and rapid environmental degradation, pandemics, global health hazards and associated policy changes and regulations.

Consequences of these changes are uncertain. Along with scientific work, even public debate is beginning to discuss the backlash of the globalization movement, and questioning the growth and the endangerment of democratic institutions. The future of global rise of companies is questioned in the light of these changes. There are indications that their strategies and structures are subject to tensions that could destabilized the productive and commercial networks in which they are embedded.

In this emerging business environment, companies of all sizes and structures could find themselves facing a fundamental challenge for their growth and survival. While these enterprises play a fundamental role in employment generation, production and innovation, the regions in which they localized may also be impacted.

Their position in the global economic hierarchy can change, leading to undesired economic and spatial consequences. Social, economic, political and academic actors believe these changes as dangerous, both for economic development and political stability. Many others consider that societies would be able to benefit globally from these upheavals and development.

This challenge has led a multidisciplinary and international group of researchers from the Université Paris Cité and other academic institutions in France and institutions from others States to carry out a project aimed at exploring the determinants and implications of changes in global business activities, through cases in various regions and countries.

Research Team

Who are we?

The team is composed of around 30 international scholars, most of them teaching at the University, some being researchers or PhD candidates. It started up about five years ago from the willingness to increase links between research centers into the Université Paris Cité, which came into being from the merging of Université Paris Descartes, Université Paris Diderot and the Institut de physique du globe de Paris. The aim was to engage in international and multidisciplinary research to understand linkages between the changes in the globalisation process and the reorganisation of companies.

From the initial days, the team received support from of Labex DynamiTe, a Cluster of Excellence, focusing on the effects of globalization on space and societies, as well as issues related to sustainable development and global change.

The research carried out participates in the work conducted by the Global Research Institute of Paris (GRIP), Université Paris Cité, an IdEx Interdisciplinary Initiative funded with the scientific scope of Global Studies while reflecting on North-South relations.

The scholars involved belong mainly to the following institutions:

Team Members

More info


Worshops and Seminars organized by the Team

Mai 24-25-26, 2023, Faculty of Law, National and Capodistrian University of Athens.
International colloquium in French and English. “Post-Crisis Business Law” (Coordinators: G. Bourdeaux, G. Lekkas)

March 14, 2023. INSTIPER Yogyakarta
“Crafting the future by Sustainable Landscape Management” (Cordinators: Agus Setyarso, Jean-Marc Roda, Markus Hassler)

March 1, 2023. Université Ibn Zhor, Agadir
“Entreprises, responsabilité sociétale et territoire dans la globalisation. Le cas de entreprises marocaines” (Coordinators: A. Ben Rhouma, M. Oudada, P. Koleva)

January 31 - February 2, 2023. Université Paris Cité, Faculty of Law (CEDAG - CESSMA).
“Workshop on the projects Attica, Biomass, South Morocco” (Coordinators G.Bourdeaux, Ph. Cadène)

October 24-25, 2022. Université Paris Cité (CESSMA)
“Reorganization of Global Productive Networks in India” (Coordinators : Ph. Cadène, A. Shaban

September 19-20, 2022. CIRAD - University Paul Valery, Montpellier.
“Congrès : Financing energy transition: Actors, instruments, and territories” (Responsables : Justine Ballon, Thomas Lamarche, Orville Pletschette, Céline Pochon

July 4-5, 2022. Université Paris Cité (CEDAG - CESSMA)
“Restructuring business networks and thinking legal evolution and compliance3 Coordinatos : G. Bourdeaux, Ph. Cadène)

June 1-3, 2022. Rencontres du RIUESS, Bordeaux
“L’économie sociale et solidaire” (Coordinateur Thomas Lamarche)

March 24-25, 2022. Université Paris Cité
“Université éphémère organisée dans le cadre de la recherche-action Transmissions coopératives” (Coordinators : N. Loubet, C. Pochon, J.Ballon, Th. Lamarche)

March 17, 2022. Université Paris Cité
“Le droit des sociétés en évolution”, dans le cadre du séminaire “Le droit des affaires post-crise du Covid-19” (Coordinateur: G. Bourdeaux)-

May 19, 2022. Université Paris Cité (CEDAG).
“Le nouveau paradigme du droit des investissements étrangers”, dans le cadre du séminaire “Le droit des affaires post-crise du Covid-19” (Coordinateur: G. Bourdeaux)

April 24, 2022. Université Paris Cité (CEDAG).
“Le droit bancaire à l’aune de la crise de la Covid-19”, dans le cadre du séminaire “Le droit des affaires post-crise du Covid-19” (Coordinateur: G. Bourdeaux)

February 10, 2022. Université Paris Cité (CEDAG).
“Le droit des affaires et la mutation de la globalisation économique” dans la cadre du séminaire “Le droit des affaires post-crise du Covid-19”(Coordinateur: G. Bourdeaux)

February 7, 2022. Webinaire Global Compact France
“Comment les initiatives internationales de RSE (ex. UNGC, ISO 26000) s’ancrent-elles à l’échelle nationale et contribuent-elles à l’apprentissage de la RSE au sein des entreprises ?” (Coordinatrices: A. Ben Rhouma., P. Koleva).

Novembre 24, 2021. Université Paris Cité (CESSMA)
“Towards a New Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in India?” (Coordinators : Philippe Cadène & Abdul Shaban)

November 8, 2021. Université Paris Cité (LADYSS)
“Abdul Shaban: Enterprises Creation Throught State and University Actions. Workshop Ladyss Alternative models of firms and organisations” (Coordinator : Pascal Grouiez)

May 25-28, 2021. Cadi Ayyad University Marrakech, Morocco
“RSAI World Congress. (virtual conference) Session on Urban Future in the Global South” (Coordinators: Abdul Shaban and Tomaz Ponce Dentinho)

December 11 and 12, 2019. International workshop at the University of Malaya - University Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
“SMEs and Global Production Networks: Competition, Competition and Integration in the Agri-Business Sector”

June 24 and 25, 2019. International workshop at the Ibn Zohr University of Agadir
“Global economic networks and regional embeddedness”

April 15, 16 and 17, 2019. International workshop in Paris Diderot University
“Globalization and Circulation of Entrepreneurial Models in Europe and Asia 2”

February 12 and 13, 2019. International workshop at the Paris Diderot University
“Globalization and Circulation of Entrepreneurial Models in Europe and Asia 1”

October 15 and 16, 2018. International workshop at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
“Entrepreneurship, Poverty Reduction and Marginalised Sections: Learning from Cross-country Experience”

Submited HDR

2023 Pepita Ould Ahmed: “Pratiques de paiement et régulation de l’ordre monétaire. Une analyse par les marges”, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Paris Cité

2022 Petia Koleva: “Dynamiques institutionnelles et organisationnelles dans la globalisation: des transformations économiques en Europe de l’Est à la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises”, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, INALCO

2021 Pascal Grouiez: “Dynamiques productives et de pouvoir dans les réseaux inter-firmes mondialisés : une lecture bottom-up à partir du concept de firmes locales proactives”. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Ecole d’économie de Bordeaux, Université de Bordeaux

Submited PhD theses

2023, Valentin Mathieu: Wood, Cities, and Trade. An Economic Analysis of the Global Urban Demand for Wood Products and the Dynamics of International Wood Trade. École Doctorale Sciences Juridiques, Politiques, Économiques et de Gestion. Bureau d’Économie Théorique et Appliquée, University of Lorraine. CoE of Biomass Valorisation, and Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes in Southeast Asia (SALSA) platform of cooperation between UPM (Malaysia) and CIRAD (France)Codirecteurs: Serge Garcia, Jean-Marc Roda, et Sylvain Caurla

2023, Meghamrita Chakraborty: “Geography of Manufacturing in India: A Comparative Analysis of the Pre and Post-reform Periods”. Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Directeur A. Shaban

2022, Rinku Gupta: “History, Entrepreneurship and Value Chain of Chikankari: A Cultural and Creative Industry of Lucknow”. Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Supervisor A.Shaban

2021, Nicolas Pene: “L’industrie de défense indienne et ses territoires : ambition géostrategique, défi technologique et développement régional”. Université de Reims, Champagne Ardennes. Directeur François Bost, Codirecteur Philippe Cadène

2021, Damien Calais: “La sécurité alimentaire aux Emirats Arabes Unis. Importations, productions, externalisations”, Université Paris Cité, Directeur Ph. Cadène

2020, Yves-Marie Rault: “Les petites entreprises pharmaceutiques indiennes, agents d’une globalisation alternative”. Université Paris Cité, Codirecteurs Ph. Cadène et I. Milbert.

2020, Nina Röhrig: “Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services: Value Capture in Silvopastoral Food Production Systems in Italy”, Kumulative Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) vorgelegt dem Fachbereich Geographie der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Supervisor : Markus Hassler

2020, Boris Francioli: « Régulation de la finance durable » (Regulation of sustainable finance). Co-Supervision G. Bourdeaux, at the Centre Maurice Haurioun, Université de Paris,

Registered PhD theses

Zinat Aboli: “Women Fashion Entrepreneurs and the Global Value Chains in a Metropolis of the Global South: A Study of Mumbai”. CESSMA. ED 624 Sciences des sociétés, Université Paris Cité. Supervisor: Pr. Philippe Cadène (CESSMA, Université Paris Cité).

Adhe Rizky Anugerah: Bioresource Management Lab (focusing in Agribusiness) at Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia. member of Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes in Southeast Asia (SALSA) platform of cooperation between UPM and CIRAD. Supervisor: Dr Jean-Marc Roda, CIRAD, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Matthieu Bufkens: “Traçabilité des produits de l’agriculture et de la bio-industrie : l’usage des technologies blockchains à Java, Indonésie”. CESSMA, ED 624 Sciences des sociétés (contrat doctoral de l’ED), Université Paris Cité. Supervisor: Pr. Philippe Cadène (CESSMA, Université Paris Cité) and Dr. Jean-Marc Roda (CIRAD Montpellier - Jakarta)

Maouia El Morabit: “Transformation de l’engagement sociétal des entreprises en France : dynamiques territoriales et globalisation”. LADYSS, ED 624 Sciences des sociétés, Université Paris Cité. Supervisor: Pétia Koleva (Pr. Économie, LADYSS, Université Paris Cité) et Philippe Cadène (PR. Géographie, CESSMA, Université Paris Cité).

Boris Francili: “Régulation et finance durable”, Centre Maurice Hauriou pour la recherche en droit public, ED 262 - Sciences Juridiques, politiques, économiques et de gestion, Université Paris Cité. Supervisor:. M. Degoffe (Centre Maurice Hauriou, Université Paris Cité, et G. Bourdeaux (CEDAG, Université Paris Cité)

Laurene François: “Modèles et méthodologies pour la gestion du territoire et la mise en place de filières durables de valorisation des gisements lignocellulosiques sur les aspects géopolitiques, sociaux et économiques en zones tropicales et équatoriales”, CESSMA - CIRAD, ED 624 Sciences des sociétés (contrat Cifre), Université Paris Cité. Supervisor: Pr. Philippe Cadène (CESSMA, Université Paris Cité) and Dr. Jean-Marc Roda (CIRAD Montpellier - Jakarta)

Ong Chu Lee: Bioresource Management Lab (focusing in Agribusiness) at Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia. member of Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes in Southeast Asia (SALSA) platform of cooperation between UPM and CIRAD. Supervisor: Dr Jean-Marc Roda, CIRAD, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Rafizah Mazlan: “Geopolitics of palm oil and sustainability development of downstream sectors in Malaysia”, Bioresource Management Lab (focusing in Agribusiness) at Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products, Universiti Putra Malaysia. member of Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes in Southeast Asia (SALSA) platform of cooperation between UPM and CIRAD. Supervisor: Dr Jean-Marc Roda, CIRAD, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Julia Ng: PhD student under Dr Roda at Universiti Putra Malaysia and AgroParisTech University in France. Her research interests cover forest governance and transformation, and the jurisdictional approach to sustainable PO in Sabah.

Safiya Shaikh: codirection de recherche Philippe Cadène et Abdul Shaban (PR, géographie, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai). “The rise of the Influencers and the Fragmentation of Advertisement Business in Mumbai: A Geographical Approach of an Evolving Creative Industry” CESSMA, ED 624 Sciences des sociétés, Université Paris Cité. Supervisor: Pr. Philippe Cadène (CESSMA, Université Paris Cité)

Jennifer Vautrin: “Droit financier et développement des énergies renouvelables” CEDAG, ED 262 - Sciences Juridiques, politiques, économiques et de gestion, Université Paris Cité. Supervisor:. G. Bourdeaux (CEDAG, Université Paris Cité)


  • Master of Arts (Development Studies)
  • Master Master Géographie du Développement (Dynamiques des Pays Émergents et en Développement)
  • Master Droit des affaires - Parcours : Banque et finance,droit et régulation du système bancaire et financier
More info



BOURDEAUX G (2023). Exportation de déchets et article 414 du Code des douanes. JCP éd. G. 30 Janvier 2023, chr. 143, n° 3.
BOURDEAUX G (2023). Crédits export et énergie fossile. JCP éd. G. 30 January 2023, chr. 143, n° 5.
SHABAN A., CADENE Ph. (2023). Causality between Cultural Diversity and Economic Growth in India ":" Cross-State Study. 1990-91 through 2017-18”. Society.
LAVIE E., OULD AHMED P., CADENE Ph. et Al. (2023). The rise of irrigated olive-growing in central Tunisia: local application of an international agricultural development model to meet global challenges. Geographica Helvetica.


CADÈNE Ph. (2022). Cultural Embeddedness of Gems and Jewellery Entrepreneurs in Jaipur. , in . on Shaban A., Vermylen F., Handke Ch. (Eds.) Creative Industries in India. London, Routledge.
BERTHE A., GROUIEZ P., FAUTRAS M. (2022). Heterogeneity of Agricultural Biogas Plants in France ":"" a Sectoral System of Innovation Perspective. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, n° 38; pp. 11-34.
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). Fascicule « Affacturage international ». In Jurisclasseur « Droit international ».
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). Pratiques internationales standards relatives aux garanties sur demande de la CCI, Chr. de droit du commerce international. JCP G 31 janvier, p. 235, n° 5.
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). Pratiques internationales standards relatives aux garanties sur demande de la CCI, Chr. de droit du commerce international. JCP G 31 janvier, p. 235, n° 5.
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). Fascicule « Crédit-bail international ». In Jurisclasseur « Droit international ».
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). La loi japonaise de promotion de mesures économiques et de sécurité globale. Chronique de droit du commerce international, JCP G 12 sept., p. 1644, n° 3.
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). La proposition de règlement (UE) sur les marchés de crypto-actifs, Chronique de droit du commerce international. JCP G 12 sept., p. 1644, n° 4.
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). Fascicule « Affacturage international ». Jurisclasseur « Droit international ».
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). Pratiques internationales standards relatives aux garanties sur demande de la CCI, Chr. de droit du commerce international. JCP G 31 janvier, p. 235, n° 5.
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). Fascicule « Crédit-bail international ». Jurisclasseur « Droit international ».
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). La loi japonaise de promotion de mesures économiques et de sécurité globale, Chronique de droit du commerce international . JCP G 12 sept., p. 1644, n° 3.
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). La proposition de règlement (UE) sur les marchés de crypto-actifs, Chronique de droit du commerce international. JCP G 12 sept., p. 1644, n° 4.
BOURDEAUX G. (2022). Transport maritime. Marchandises en vrac en conteneur, Chronique de droit du commerce international. JCP G. 12 sept. 2022, p. 1643, n° 2 Obs. ss Cass. com., 2022, n° 19-19.103.
KEREMIDCHIEV S. (2022). Strategic Planning for Local Development. Policies and Innovations for Cities». Sofia ":" NBU, pp. 10-27, ISBN 978-619-239-754-8, in Bulgarian..
KEREMIDCHIEV S., NEDELCHEV M. (2022). Evaluation of the Corporate Governance of State Forest Enterprises in Bulgaria. Forest Science, 58(1), pp. 27-43. ISSN 0861-007X..
KEREMIDCHIEV S., VELKOVA, D., KIRILOVA, Y. (2022). Strategy, implementation, results, assessments, perspectives, Sofia Sofia ":" Club "EconomikThe reform of the judicial system through the prism of external sources. Reform of the judicial system in Bulgariaa 2000, pp. 153-177, ISBN 978-619-91769- 3-1, in Bulgarian..
RAULT-CHODANKAR Y.-M. (2022). Domestiquer la norme mondiale. Brevet pharmaceutique, bonnes pratiques de fabrication et contrôle du prix des médicaments en Inde. L’Espace politique, 45..
RAULT Y.-M. (2022). We care... because care is growth’. The low-tech imaginaries of India’s small-scale pharmaceutical enterprises ». Social Science and Medicine – Qualitative Research on Health, 2..
RAULT Y.-M. , KALE D. (2022). Manufacturers without factories and economic development in the Global South ":" India’s pharmaceutical firms.. Journal of Economic Geography, lbac013..
J., LAMARCHE Th., PLETSCHETTE O., POCHON C. (2022). Le travail politique dans la transmission des coopératives de production. La Manufacture Coopérative.
RAULT Y.-M. , KALE D. (2022). Manufacturers without factories and economic development in the Global South ":" India’s pharmaceutical firms.. Journal of Economic Geography, lbac013..


KAMARUDDIN N., RODA al. (2021). Supply chain management and its reaction to trade disruptions. MTC Bulletin, vol 27. No12, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
RODA J.-M., KAMARUDDIN N. et al. (2021). Study on Supply chain management and its reaction to trade disruptions. 31 may. 260p. MTC, UPM, CIRAD eds. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia..
SADIK Y., KOLEVA P (2021). RSE et développement durable ":" regards croisés Sud-Nord, Rabat ». Les publications de l'ISSN,.
KEREMIDCHIEV, S., NEDELCHEV, M. (2021). Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises . Sofia, Academic Ed. 181 pages (in Bulgarian).
SHABAN, A., SATTAR S. (2021). Industrial and Commercial Geography of India ":" A Study of Changes in the Post-Reform Period. , in . Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements, pp.189-217. Singapore ":" Springer Nature..
SHABAN, A (2021). Growth and Determinants of the Middle Class in Rural and Urban India in the Post-Liberalisation Period. , in . Rural–Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia, pp.249-274. Singapore ":" Springer..
TBANERJEE S., SHABAN, A (2021). Unpacking Epistemic Diversities in Grassroots Social Innovation and Enterprises in India ":" A critical agenda for Re-centering People. , in . Atlas of Social Innovation, pp. 133–148. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
KOLEVA P. (2021). La RSE comme objet-frontière. Quelques pistes de dialogue en sciences sociales. , in . RSE et développement durable ":" regards croisés Sud-Nord, Rabat, Les publications de l'ISSN,, pp. 263-276..
KOLEVA P., BEN RHOUMA (2021). Le Global Compact des Nations-Unis entre RSE explicite et implicite. Une recherche exploratoire des réseaux locaux états-unien, français et allemand. , in . RSE et développement durable ":" regards croisés Sud-Nord, Rabat, Les publications de l'ISSN, pp. 19-36..
LAMARCHE T., GROUIEZ P., NIEDDU M., CHANTEAU J-P, LABROUSSE A., MICHEL S. & VERCUEIL J. (2021). Grasping meso processes ":" a regulationist approach", Economie Appliquée.. Paris Régulation Theory Conference, june 12 th 2015..
Saisir les processus méso ; une approche régulationniste (2021). Saisir les processus méso ":" une approche régulationniste. Revue Economie Appliquée, n°1, pp. 13-49..
KEREMIDCHIEV S. (2021). Theoretical Foundations of Stakeholder Theory. Economic Studies journal, 30(1):70-88..
BOESPFLUG M., CARRÉ C., LAMARCHE T (2021). Biodéchets ":" retour d’expériences de commoning autour du compostage de proximité. Flux n° 124-125 Avril – Septembre pp. 1-15..
BOURDEAUX G (2021). La dynamique des places financières dans la mondialisation. Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Gilbert Parléani, IRJS éditions 202.
BOURDEAUX G (2021). Adaptation du régime des investissements étrangers ":" Arrêté du 27 avril 2020 relatif aux investissements étrangers en France. JCP E 2020, n° 45.
BOURDEAUX G (2021). Plan de soutien aux entreprises exportatrices ":" Commentaire de la loi de finances rectificative pour 2020. JCP E 2020, n° 45.
BERTHE, A., GROUIEZ, P. & FAUTRAS, M. (2021). Heterogeneity of Agricultural Biogas Plants in France ":" A Sectoral System of Innovation Perspective . Journal of Innovation Economics & Management,
GRAZ J.-C., ALARY P., LABROUSSE A., LAMARCHE T. et VERCUEIL J. (2021). Covid-19 ":" L’économie dévoilée par la crise pandémique. Executive Dolder, Revue de la régulation n°25.
KEREMIDCHIEV, S. (2021). Strategic Planning, In ":" Sustainable Urban Development - Lessons For Sofia . Sofia, Publishing House Of New Bulgarian University, pp. 31-52. (in Bulgarian).
LAMARCHE T., GROUIEZ P. et al (2021). Saisir les processus méso ; une approche régulationniste. Revue Economie Appliquée, n°1, pp. 13-49..
TASSEV A., KEREMIDCHIEV S. and al. (2021). Opportunities and Prospects for Japan’s Investments in Bulgaria. Economic Studies journal, 29(1):3-45..
BOURDEAUX G. (2021). Swaps et ensembles contractuels indivisibles, Chronique de droit du commerce international. JCP G. 31 janv., p. 240, n° 6; obs. ss Cass. civ. 1, 8 sept. 2021, n° 20-14.201.


KEREMIDCHIEV S., Naidenova M. (2020). Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung in Bulgarien.. , in Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie - Verbreitung der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung in Deutschland und Europa – Entwicklungsperspektiven. Frankfurt: Oder.
GROUIEZ P., VERCUEIL J., VERKOV D. (2020). Beyond Oil. The international integration of the Russian economy between macroeconomic constraints and sectoral dynamics. Post-Communist Economies.
NDOUR M., ALEXANDRE L. (2020). L’évolution du modèle d’affaires des organisations de l’entrepreneuriat social, le cas des jeunes entreprises du numérique en France.. Revue Internationale des PME, N°1, vol.33, pp.75-99..
NDOUR M., ALEXANDRE L. (2020). La dynamique du modèle d’affaires des startups dans le secteur des TIC, le cas des entreprises sociales au Sénégal.. Revue Management et Avenir, N° 115, février, pp.15-35..
CALAIS D. (2020). Les cultures hydroponiques aux Émirats arabes unis. Un nouvel entrepreneuriat entre insertion locale et réseaux globaux.. Artefact. Techniques, histoire et sciences humaines, pp. 177-202..
BODET C., LAMARCHE T. (2020). Des coopératives de travail du XIXe siècle aux CAE et aux SCIC, les coopératives comme espace méso critique.. RECMA 358, octobre, pp. 72-86..
RÖHRIG N., HASSLER M., ROESLER T. (2020). Capturing the Value of Ecosystem Services from Silvopastoral Systems. Perceptions from Selected Italian Farms.. Ecosystem Services 44, pp. 101-152..
KEREMIDCHIEV, S., NEDELCHEV M. (2020). Foreign models and policies for state-owned enterprises. Economic Thought, Issue 6, pp. 3-14..
KEREMIDCHIEV, S., NEDELCHEV M. (2020). Practices on Accountability and Transparency of State-Owned Enterprises. Social-economic analyses, vol. 2, pp. 241-247..
KEREMIDCHIEV S., NEDELCHEV M. (2020). Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises - National Practices of the Board. Entrepreneurship, Volume VII, Issue, 2, pp. 16-26..


AZIZ M., SALLOUM C., ALEXANDRE L. (2019). The structure of the textile and Clothing companies in Africa. The women entrepreneurship relevance.. , in Sustainable Fashion. Empowering African Women Entrepreneurs in the Fashion Industry. London: Palgrave.
SHABAN, A., NARNAWARE P. B. (2019). Reimagining the Social Enterprise through grassroots social innovations in India.. , in Theory of Social Enterprise and Pluralism. New York: Routledge.
BANERJEE S., SHABAN, A. (2019). Innovations in Multistakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Fostering State-University-Community Nexus.. , in People-Centred Social Innovation. Global Perspectives on the Emerging Paradigm. New York: Routledge.
ALEXANDRE L., YACOUB N. (2019). Tunisia as a reference for women entrepreneurs in the textile industry, the case of Monastir.. , in Sustainable Fashion. Empowering African Women Entrepreneurs in the Fashion Industry. London: Palgrave.
KEREMIDCHIEV, S. (2019). The Forth Industrial Revolution and CSR. Economic Alternatives, 2, pp. 169-183..
CADENE Ph., RAULT Y.-M. (2019). Les corridors industriels en Inde (Industrial Corridors in India). EchoGéo.
KOLEVA P. , Ben RHOUMA A. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility learning in a highly turbulent national context. Some evidence from the post-2011, Tunisia. International Social Sciences and management Journal. Volume 1 Issue 2.
BESSOU Cecile, RODA Jean-Marc, KUMAR Ravinder, DEEN Sanusi (2019). Palm Oil Value Chain Analysis in Sierra Leone. EU-DEVCO, VCA4.
RAULT Yves-Marie, MATHEW Shawn (2019). An imbalanced ecosystem. Start-ups in India. Economic and Political Weekly. 54(45), 45-50.
MERCIER-SUISSA C., JARRAR H., SALLOUM C., ALEXANDRE L. (2019). Prise de Participations et Performances des Entreprises Familiales.. Revue des Sciences de Gestion, N° 296..
RODA Jean-Marc (2019). Politik Dunia Di Balik Pengembangan Kelapa Sawit Indonesia Dan Malaysia. The conversation.
ALEXANDRE L., KARABSHEH R. (2019). The Evolution of Female Entrepreneurship in the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Case of Bahrain.. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 390-407..
VON OPPENKOWSKI M., HASSLER M., ROESLER T., (2019). Informal markets and global value chains – the disembedding of Romanian dairy smallholders.. European Planning Studies, 27/5, pp. 995-1012..
ROESLER T., HASSLER M., (2019). Creating niches – The role of policy for the implementation of bioenergy village cooperatives in Germany.. Energy Policy 124, pp. 95-101.


KEREMIDCHIEV, S., KIRILOVA, Y., VELKOVA D. (2018). Financial aspects of NPP construction.Implications for NPP Belene. Ikonomicheski Izsledvania, 27(6):121-129..
BERTHE A., GROUIEZ P., DUPUY L. (2018). Les upgradings stratégiques des firmes subordonnées dans les CGV. Le cas des éleveurs investissant dans des unités de méthanisation. Revue d'économie industrielle. n°163, p187-227.
ADROUR M., OUDADA M. (2018). Perspectives d’émergence d’une économie solidaire dans le milieu des chiffonniers de la ville d’Ait Melloul. Application de la méthode Catalyse. Journal EWASH & TI Journal Environnemental and Water Sciences, public health et Territorial Intelligence. Volume 2 Issue 2.
BODET C., LAMARCHE Th. (2018). Does CSR Contribute to Sustainable Development? What a Regulation Approach Can Tell Us. Review of Radical Political Economics. Volume 50 Issue 1.

News about team members

Octobre 2003. Gautier Bourdeaux head of the Master in Banking and Finance at the Université Paris Cité and at the Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi has been nominated has Vice-President of the University, responsible for lifelong learning and continuing education.

September 2023, Laurène François, got a ANRT CIFRE agreement in partnership with Université Paris Cité and CIRAD

Septembre 2023. Pepita Ould Ahmed who is the head of my research center, the UMR CESSMA, Université Paris Cité, has been promoted to the status of Research Director at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)

Septembre 2023. Damien Calais has been appointed as a Assistant Professor at the Institut Agro Dijon

Septembre 2023. Yves-Marie Rault has been elected as Maitre de Conférences (Associated Professor) at the Faculty of Geography, Université Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris 1

Septembre 2023. Petia Koleva has been elected as Professor at our Université Paris Cité. She was MCF HDR at the Department of Economy of our UFR GHES

Septembre 2023. Pascal Grouiez has been elected as Professor at our Université Paris Cité. He was MCF HDR at the Department of Economy of our UFR GHES

Octobre 2022. Abdul Shaban, Professor of Geography at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India has published the book Creative Industries in India, Abdul Shaban, Filip Vermeylen, Christian Handke Scientific Editors, Routledge, 380 pages

October 2022. Matthieu Bufkens, has succeeded to get a doctoral grant from the ED 624 Sciences des Sociétés for a thesis on “Traçabilité des produits de l’agriculture et l’agroindustrie: l’usage des technologies blockchains à Java, Indonésie”, in a collaboration between CESSMA, Université Paris Cité and CIRAD.

Septembre 2022. Mohamed Oudada, Professor of Geography at the Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco, has been appointed Vice-Dean of the Faculté des Langues, des Arts et des Sciences Humaines - Ait Melloul

Septembre 2022. Laurice Alexandre, Ceped, has been elected as Professor of Management Sciences at our Université Paris Cité. She was MCF at the Université Paris Cité

Septembre 2021. Jean-Marc Roda, Senior scientist at CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development), who was CTO of the Center of Excellence on Biomass Valorisation at University Putra Malaysia - CIRAD cooperation platform, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, has been nominated Regional Director for South East Asia Island Countries (Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines-Timor Leste) at Cirad with his office in Jakarta, Indonesia


Prof. Philippe Cadene
Université Paris Cité
Faculté Sociétés & Humanités
Bat. Olympe de Gouges
8 place Paul Ricoeur
75013 Paris FRANCE